Thursday, April 18, 2024

Most Anticipated Releases of 2022

Congratulations, everyone! We've finally made it to the second half of 2022. The second half of 2022, for my bookish self chalks up to new reading goals, new books...
Psychopaths vs Sociopaths

Psychopaths vs Sociopaths

I think it’s amusing and also a little shameful how TV Shows and movies portray Psychopaths as chainsaw wielding lunatics who’ll probably chop off your head if you even breathe the wrong way...


You had one simple mantra - never fall in love & never let anyone in. After all, that is what 20 years of constant let downs & betrayal does to you! It makes you build...

Dear Fake Friend

Dear Fake Friend I always thought friendship lasts forever. I always thought friends are the essence of life. I truly believed that friends have your back through thick and thin. I thought friends are always elated...

Procrastination – The Universal Best Friend

Procrastination occurs when we think about doing a particular chore but end up convincing ourselves of doing it later. ‘Oh, I will do my homework tomorrow!’ ‘I think I’ll read the rest of the book later.’ ‘I’ll...
Why Do Some People Choose to Have Fewer Friends?

Why do some people choose to have fewer friends?

Friendship is not a mere word, a bond or just a relationship label for that matter. It is a commitment. A commitment which a group of people makes to always have each other’s back, to...

An Open Letter

Dear Fellow Readers What is High School? A place where we have a lot of fun. A place where we learn new things. A place where we pull off all our creative pranks. A place which...
Swiss Alps

Places to Visit in the Swiss Alps

There are times when your soul asks for a vacation from the monotonous routine of your life and that is when you turn towards a holiday package. A small vacation is enough to keep your...
4 Ways to get Motivation

4 Daily Activities to Gain Motivation

Motivation is a key feature of everyone’s life. Deprived of motivation, we are just lifeless folks walking the face of Earth. To get anything done in life, you have to be motivated enough to do...
Ways to Improve Vocabulary

5 Ways To Improve Your Vocabulary

Words are the building blocks of any and every language. The type of vocabulary you use is used to determine your knowledge of that language. A good vocabulary can aid you a ton in your...

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